
By Chiara

Michael Imperioli

I think I'm all caught up on my sleep, thanks to the best nap I've had in a long time.

I'm in the mood to make some banana bread, but all my bread pans are in storage.

I looked at a duplex one block north of my apartment building today. It's on the first floor and the bedroom is in the basement. I think I'm done with first floor & garden apartments, so I'll have to pass. Bummer. It was a very nice place.

I went to view another apartment, but the leasing agent stood me up. That happens a lot. Oh, the joys of apartment hunting!

Gas prices are down from $4.35 to $3.67 in Chicago. Sweet!

I want to write a long letter to each person I love and care about. I feel that I've been a crappy friend lately by being too wrapped up in my own life, and everyone deserves to know how highly I think of them.

If I didn't have (lots of) schoolwork and work, I would just jump into the truck and drive, drive, and drive. I could really use a weekend away from Chicago to unwind!

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