If You Could See Me Now



I had to reset my phone the other day.

It had too many messages to just delete and it was starting to run slow.

So reset of the factory settings it was - it caused me a hell of a lot of grief including me setting it to 12-hour time when it was really 24-hour time so when I wanted my alarm for work to go off at 07.15 in the morning it was really 19.39 when I woke up thinking it was very light for 07.15...

Anyway! In the process I decided I would set my alarm tone to something that didn't make me want to throw my phone out a window...

It's called "magical" and makes you feel like you woke up in the middle of some Medieval Disney movie and actually made me giggle when it went off this morning!

The things we do, eh?

(the purpose of this blip was to show the bathroom wallpaper.... but I got sidetracked... whoops!)

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