"The Story Of My Life"

" I can't remember my early life too well. But I do remember being handed into an animal rescue centre about four years ago because my owners said they were allergic to me, and in all fairness to them, they did come out in spots.
After a couple of weeks in that hutch, another couple adopted me, but that didn't last too long. They also said they were allergic to me and that I was too wild for a house rabbit, and I suppose I am.
My third home was different. I was kept in a hutch in a garden but you won't believe what happened next. I had always been called "he" until one day, my new owners took me to the vet for an operation, and after that, they started calling me a "she".
I was introduced to another rabbit called Dylan and for some reason or another, neither of us seemed interested in being anything other than friends.
We have a hutch, a run and every day, we get to explore the garden.
Sometimes I get the urge to explore the outside world and I have managed to get into the garden next door.
On the whole, I suppose I am quite a lucky bunny having such a good friend and some degree of freedom and there's always something tasty to eat in the garden."

I've always rather liked the title here.
We did think Bandit was a he and it was only when they started to operate that the truth became known.
And no,we don't  have blue snow, its just the reflection of the sky.

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