
By Valerie1940

We got some snow - but not much !

This was taken with my phone from the back door.
I went into the conservatory to try and get pics of birds as there were several about. I focused the camera on the sunflower hearts for a change as the robin likes them. ( The camera is on the tripod and I am beside it not behind it. There is no screen so I have to focus it then not move it as I can't see what it sees.)
Within the space of 15 minutes there were starlings on the fat balls (out of shot) - as usual. The robin came down, perched on the water (out of shot) then on the fat balls. A blue tit went on the big seed feeder (out of shot). A long tailed tit was on the peanuts (out of shot) and, to cap it all, a squirrel ran along the top of the fence! I gave up and went back in the warm!

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