Everyday I Write The Book

By Eyecatching

Office supplies

Well, the best cookies I've ever tasted, bought back from a conference in London by a colleague. Chewy and flavoursome. The cookies I mean, not the colleague.

Today was about catching up after a horrible week. Was in work at 6.40am after taking The Dizzle and his girlfriend to Gatwick for their flight to Paris. They are now sleeping off their early start in the New York Hotel in Eurodisney, Miss F no doubt snoring in her red polka dot mouse's ears.

Farmer T and I took the Ball Busting Femme Fatale (BBFF)  in a time machine to the 1950s for lunch today. That was after a colleague showed us she could make her eyebrows dance. Then on the way home I got caught in a freaky short lived blizzard that went from blue skies to a full on Day After Tomorrow encounter and back again in the space of an hour.

TSM had a very hard day and got very cold.

Incidentally my spellchecker wants to change Eurodisney to neurosis. A Minny Freudian slip as it were. Or am I just being Goofy? 

Today was definitely a parallel universe kind of day.

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