The fluffy dog

Will had Bunny from when he was 1. Bunny was his best friend until we lost him a couple of years ago, it was very traumatic for everyone over many months. For some reason I had in my mind that Will was too old for a new best friend until I saw this dog just before Christmas. And now this is how I find Will every night, why did I ever think he was too old??

In other news, Daisy has been struggling with a cough all week. I had a vague thought flitting through my mind this morning that maybe she should stay at home but them decided she could come home if she felt bad enough. Apparently not. It is seemingly impossible to come home from her school now. She was in tears by the time I went up to pick her up at 3:30. And she doesn't have a bedroom due to the painting so has been lying on the settee since she came home but now seems a fair amount perkier. I am really not sure if 8/10 cats does countdown is the most appropriate tv but she loves it and it has cheered her immensely so I think that's just fine.

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