Vive la Vie

By gillybxl

Parc Asterix

When I was a young child I remember going to the library after school and I would often choose to read either Tin Tin books or Asterix and Obelix books. Little did I know then that my future husband often enjoyed reading the same books.
Little did I ever imagine that we would end up living in Belgium and enjoy regular trips to France. It's funny how things turn out.

My husband visited Parc Asterix when he was a child and was keen to take the children, as we decided that Disneyland, Paris will just have to wait until they are older and will be able to remember it and appreciate it!

We had a thoroughly enjoyable day, although D was a couple of cm too short for any of the rides and I was too big to take him on the rides!

Highlights include:

The dolphin show twice.
Dexter clapping furiously when the dolphins jumped out of the water and threw balls into the air.
O and Mummy getting soaking wet on the water ride, which O managed to go on three times.
Daddy taking his little girl on lots of rides and being as enthusiastic as her.
Obelix's house with his giant bed and giant shoes and Dexter trying to fit into the shoes (which was so nearly the blip for today!).
O sharing her ice cream with D.
The yells of delight and giggling from the children.

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