
By dorsetb

Lunch in the King and Tinker ,

In someone else's loft this morning -made a change !!Then went to pub for lunch .
The King & Tinker Pub
King & Tinker Pub -  The curious name comes from a ballad about an encounter between King James I and a tinker.  Whilst hunting in Enfield Chase, the King was separated from his courtiers.  He visited this pub where he befriended a tinker who only discovered his new drinking pal’s identify when the courtiers turned up at the pub!
The area surrounding the pub is also associated with the infamous Guy Fawkes and Gunpowder Plot.  The original Whitewebbs House stood on the site of what is now Guy’s Lodge Farm in Whitewebbs Lane, opposite the King & Tinker Pub.   It is believed that on 30th October 1605 Guy Fawkes visited the cellar under the House of Parliament to check that the gunpowder was still in place and undiscovered.  Later her reported back to the leader, Robert Catesby at Whitewebbs House. 

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