Hail and farewell

Michael Kleinschmidt, Canon for Music at Trinity Episcopal Cathedral, plays his final postlude. I was thrilled when he arrived five years ago, and I'm sad that he's leaving us. He definitely brought our already renowned musical offerings up several notches. 

I wish I could I say I had brought the photographic offerings of Blipfoto up several notches, but the opposite is true — looking at your photos brought my photographic skills up several notches! 

That is about to end. I've been keeping an eye on zendesk discussions for the past month, and the new interface still seems far from ready for prime time. Grey app was creaky but lovable. White app is best described by Scribbler2 here. I have one more blip to post, and then we are done for now. 

Hugs and kisses!  
In two or three months I will check in again. Meanwhile, I wish you all a healthy happy winter and a ravishing springtime. 

(And to those Down Under, a healthy happy summer and a ravishing autumn.)

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