Proud Weegie

By Shiv


An early Saturday start despite our late night last night.  

No 3 had a party invite in Loanhead, and in my brief reprieve of mum duties  I popped in to see Rosslyn chapel.  This has been on my bucket list for years.  

Sadly I wasn't allowed to take photos inside as this is a 'working' chapel...I was a bit annoyed - I have taken blips in many Churches and, lets face it, it's the same God in charge! Even art galleries and museums let you photograph their priceless antiquities.

That aside, Rosslyn doesn't disappoint.  As I said to the lady I spoke to who had travelled over from South Carolina to see it, the interior is truly breathtaking.

This stunning chapel is the pivotal scene in Dan Brown's  'the Da Vinci code'.  

There are few places you visit that give you goose bumps...this is one.  Jinty - I know you would love it, I even lit a candle for you.

I picked up No 3 from her party and blipped her with a 6ft Olaf and Else....who nearly made it into today's blip.

Go to Rosslyn...worth the trip, even from South Carolina.

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