Henry Gray

By Gustavo


We stumbled upon a photographer while in Hoi An, and managed to join one of his classes at the last minute. We started at 5am and went across the river to watch the fresh fish coming in from the overnight fishermen, for the local woman to fight over the spoils in order to take them to market. Then we wandered through a village and a fish sauce factory while meeting several of the locals who were friends with our photographer and delighted to sit while we all shoved camera lenses in his face. This chap makes his living out of making bamboo items - coracles, stools, beds, baskets, all woven out of bamboo. 
The class was brilliant, a really good way to learn a bit more about my camera and what things to think about while taking photos.

Not only that but we were done by 10am and able to get back to the hotel in time for breakfast…

* I found it incredibly difficult to choose which photo to upload for every day here - there was so much to see and do on each day! Any recommendations for websites where I can put up more than one photo a day? I tried flickr but don't seem to be able to sign up there without a yahoo account..?

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