
Today is traditionally the first day of Spring over here, Imbolc , midway between the winter solstice and spring equinox in the Celtic Calendar. I mbolg means  in the belly, and is a time of rebirth and renenewal. It's also St Brigid's Day,  the most popular saint next to St Patrick though she probably goes back way further.  Patron saint of babies, blacksmiths, midwives, cattle farmers, boatmen and dairymaids to name but a few, it is traditional to make a Brigid cross out of rushes and in the past  a bed was left out for her with food and drink, as she passed through the country in the night.
I think she was out and about last night for today was crisp and clear and we decided to do our bit to welcome in Spring. We did the Rooska loop - and walked way up high on the spine of the peninsula. A sprinkling of snow on the Caha mountains, ice in the puddles and an amazing blue stillness. We met no-one up here and ate our sunday lunch of crackers, cheese and apples with our backs on a cairn, the most sublime view in front of us.
Last night's film, Testament of Youth, was unexpectedly wonderful. Unexpectedly because although I knew the book I didn't know much about the film. Beautifully filmed, desperately sad, immaculately acted; it does make you wonder how anyone recovered from the First World War.

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