Lisa's blipping life

By Lisamoore


A much needed walk alone today and I made it a long one much to Sprout and Tillys delight.
Dont get me wrong I love company but I seem to be constantly doing doing doing for everyone at the moment and Im not getting any time to think!
Today was just what I needed, time to walk, say nothing apart from the odd, 'this way' and 'goodboy, good girl' and good mornings. My mind is cleared and Ive managed to sort a lot of things out in my head.
A visit to the hospital again his afternoon. I took my scissors and gave him a much needed haircut, still no change its going to be a long haul. Sunday dinner, blackberry sponge and custard for afters. Gone. Ironing and work prep to do for tomorrow. Only 10 more shirts till half term.

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