Times Of My Life

By CarolB

Target Time

Today is my 200th Blip, and I'm quite astonished that I have managed to maintain my promise to myself to post one every single day.  It just proves to me that I DO have some willpower, and I CAN stick to a plan - if I want to!

So, my next target is to lose 7lbs by the end of February.  All that delicious Christmas cheese and the continuing supply of lovely booze given as Christmas presents has contributed to the numbers going up when they should be coming down.  So, on the last day of this month I'll do the same photo, and you may all catcall and jeer if I have failed to reach 9:3!

On another note, my second lot of marmalade failed to set, so I had to pour it all back into the pan and boil it up again.  It's official now: I'm glad you only get Seville oranges once a year! 

Also, I signed up today for a short (free)online  course examining all the issues around Fracking.  It's run by Future Learn, whom I first heard of in a blip by Mean Coast (thanks for that). I start tomorrow, and I'm hoping that by the end of it I will have some idea if my initial reaction of "All fracking is BAD" will have some concrete reasoning to back it up. 

Hope you all had a great weekend, and have a good week to come. 

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