Matts Photo Journal

By photomatt

Forty Three Minutes

It was not a very nice day out again so I set up shop at the kitchen window for todays blip.  I moved the suet feeder from the side of the window and placed it so it is flat on the window sill.  Then raised it up just a bit so that I could get clear shots of any potential visitors. My hopes were to get another close up of a Cardinal or a woodpecker.  

I moved my office chair in the kitchen, lowered it so that my head was below the windows sill, sat down, got the camera in position (not enough room for the tripod so I had to hold the camera), and then waited... 

Forty three of the longest minutes of my life passed (arms were aching from holding the camera so long) and then this Downy woodpecker showed up.  He allowed exactly three photos and then flew off.  

Thanks for visiting and hope you had a great weekend. 


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