
By Angelique


These trees in Kingswood/Stogumber are very special to us.  Last year on the same walk, Matthew decided they looked liked hot air balloons being inflated.  And he is right.  Today, the promise of Spring and they are full of life.

The weather has been cold but very bright and we were grateful for that.  Today has been a special day for us remembering my sister, Redflash's birthday and my youngest son David, born 29 years ago.  I couldn't personally give them greetings but it didn't stop me thinking of them!!

I hope you have all enjoyed a wonderful Sunday.  I am not going to work tomorrow, having taken a day off so I wont be facing the dreaded Monday blues!

Thankyou for all the kind comments over the last two days  on my immediate family.  They are all very special to me. xxxx

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