
By littlesedz

Bubble beards!

Me and Mummy went to weigh in clinic again this morning. I now weigh 14lb 10oz. Still not as much as I 'should' but I'm putting on weight and the health visitor today said I look happy and healthy, so she isn't too concerned (and Mummy feels abit better). We've got to go back in a month.
At lunchtime me and Mummy walked round to church to meet Auntie Nicola and Hollie and Brenda, the new minister who will be doing our christening. Mummy and Auntie Nicola talked about what they would like at the service. Me and Hollie slept!
We went back to Auntie Rachel's for a while and Mummy asked Auntie Nicola and Auntie Marie if they would be my Godmummys.
Later this afternoon Me and Mummy went to Costco with Grandma to do some shopping.
This evening Daddy gave me a bath. Uncle Jp had sent Daddy a picture of Abbie with a bubble beard in her bath, so me and Daddy sent them this picture back!! Abbie loved it!
Busy, busy day!

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