tempus fugit

By ceridwen

Tempest tossed

36 hours of stormy weather has created a turmoil at the sea's edge with immense waves hitting the cliffs in explosions of spray, rolling breakers crashing on to the shore wreathed in foam. As we walked along the path we saw gobbets of spume the size of grapefruit and melons, whirling, gull-like,  up and over the cliffs. In a small, usually peaceful bay we found,  piled along the strand, great quivering mattresses of froth like the topping of a lemon meringue pie. We heard that the Irish ferry had failed to dock in the harbour yesterday and had sought shelter further up the coast, the passengers finally disembarking after 26 hours at sea. Since even watching the heaving waves felt destabilizing, this was not an experience to be envied.

A few more images of, spray, surf and spume start here.

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