
By littlesedz

A shirt for Eric, all the way from Indonesia!

This morning Me and Mummy went to church. Kerry, a minister who used to preach at Red Hall, and then Trinity when it was created, was preaching as it is the anniversary of the new church building. Kerry's wife Karen thinks I look just like Uncle Martin. (They also think I should be a City fan!)
I spent almost the entire service sat in the entrance with Mummy, Auntie Dorothy and Dorothy because I was being very whingy!
Auntie Anne gave me a present today which she brought back from Indonesia from Nick. I am very impressed with my shirt!! Nick told Mummy when she was pregnant that Eric would be a good name for a boy, and so he's referred to me as Eric since... Me and Mummy sent him a thank you message and picture; to Nick, from Eric!
This evening Daddy gave me a bath and got me ready for bed.

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