Amy's Art

By amysart

Am I going crazy?!

I went to the good old Trafford Centre today, had such a giggle met few of the girls there, had some lunch, spent a big sum of money and felt great for it!

BUT... As i was walking back to the car, i thought to myself "sh*t! where did I park my car?"... so then i started to panic, and i got rather upset about it, cause i really couldn't remember! I've had so much on my mind the last few weeks that its started to finally take its toll!!

And to top it off, its a FORD FOCUS ST in ORANGE!!!!! can i manage that?????

So as i'm walking round saying "oh god, what am i gonna tell Luke! Ohhh i'm so dead!"... it would be my luck he rings me!!!

So i started the conversation of as...

Me: "Hey babe, ermmmm you know i love you right!" in hope that his reaction won't be as bad as what i was thinking!

Luke says "Why what you done?"

Me: "Ohhh ermm nothing much, just urh hummm kinder miss placed the car!"

Luke: Cracks off laughing "And how the hell have you managed that Aimz??"

Me: "Phewwww well least your reaction ain't bad! Ermm but i don't know how i've managed to do it!! But hayyy come on it is me right? So anythings possible! The cars orange, not alot of them driving about!!!"

Luke: "Awww don't worry about it, you'll find it!"

That conversation ended there on with the speak later and the love you's etc...

5.30pm was approaching fast!!! And i had to battle rush hour traffic to get home in enough time to pick Callum up from his nana's to take him over to my mums!! So i rang just to let them know i was running just a tad lil bit late (ohhhh the lies!!!!).. then it was "Are you sure your alright love? You sound a wee bit jumpy!!", i thught ohhh god don't say a word!!!!! So i just said "Nooo nothing wrong i'm fine, just bit run down thats all"

I eventually found the car... right at the other end of the car park at the top!!!!! By this time it was gone 5pm!!!
Got in the car and drove home... picked Callum up then drove over to Warrington to see my mum then drove back again, but before coming home i picked my sister up so she could look after Callum while I went out with the girls for a meal then to our local for a few!!
I was well behaved at weekend, i didnt go out, wasn't feeling to bright!!

Told them about what had happened, now the nickname "DOREY" has risen from the depths again... I'm not even gonna shake that nickname off hahaha! Well i seen the funny side to it in the end...

Luke seemed rather pleased i found his car too.
I'm soooooooooo tired recently, all i do is sleep!!!

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