FIGGY's Sporadic Blips

By Figgy

Flanders Moss

is one of the largest and best lowland raised bogs in Britain.

At first sight, it's a pretty forbidding place. Even walking into the bog can be hazardous but the careful placing of boardwalks have made it a wonderful place to enjoy.

For centuries people have tried to 'tame' the wild bog but now it is accepted that it is full of life and colour and an important part of Scotland's nature and landscapes.

The moss is now home to a complex bog vegetation and sphagnum mosses, small shrubs growing over the sphagnum and in late summer you can see heather, cotton grass, and bog rosemary.

Do yourself a favour and visit if you're ever up Stirling way. It's on my doorstep and I visited today for the first time. I'll be back in the summer to see it with the heather in full bloom.

Backblipped along with yesterday's entry. Please take a minute to look!

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