The Nonchalant Yachtie

Well, good heavens, it’s five years since MrJSitting introduced me to blip shortly after my retirement, with the intention of keeping me out of mischief. Failed that one. And despite my rubbish photography, I’ve enjoyed the simple idea of getting a photo up there everyday. As I recently opined (and opining is a particular love of mine), if you can’t do a daily photo and a bit of text, then what does that say about your life? Maybe that you’d just rather it was private, mind! Haha, so that’s another fool opinion of my own shot down.
So, a quick recap! Despite aforementioned rubbish photography, I did get the late lamented blip of the week twice in that five years and as the last recipient of that award I got to keep the crown! They’re here and here!

And probably the two momentous events that the five years have captured?
For me personally this was a great achievement, getting that wee boat safely down from Skye, and probably the biggest event I witnessed was this stotter. Well, it hadn’t happened since 1896, so the chances were that whoever was the loser was never going to get their own back and would have to live with it for the rest of their days. Haha! Phew.

And finally thanks to blip central for keeping the show on the road (just), and of course mostly to all you lovely people who drop in from time to time and comment. Some of you I’ve even met in the flesh, which is a horrible expression. Especially when one thinks of Smithy or Insto, but less so with some others, of course. *wink*
So, here I am, affecting nonchalance with my wee pride and joy. And my favourite photo of the last five years? Probably this, which makes me realise that anything better than an iPhone is probably wasted on me. OK, that’s enough links. It’s midday and MrP has things to do. These dishes won’t wash themselves, y’know. Pip pip!

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