Weather check

Raspberry is in her usual morning position now that Max is gone, she always rode downstairs on T's shoulder before the cat separation and her morning lock up till just before noon. She has resumed all of her old habits seamlessly, it must be a scent thing, she seemed to know immediately that he was gone and relaxed.  It was certainly a strange and hard four year period with them at odds. He's at peace now and so are we here at Dogcorner, sad, but adjusting quickly to a more normal routine.

The weather checkers noted that it's snowing hard, I think it started about 4:30 this morning and is coming down steadily. We have at least 4 fresh inches here and on the high snowbanks along all the roads. It looks quite  treacherous with many more people trying to make it to work today. In the last storm the roads were closed, very wisely. So it's harder for the big plows to do their work. The high snowbanks make the corners really dangerous. So many with 4 wheel drive vehicles feel foolishly invincible and there are accidents all over. It's New England, but many forget each time how to drive safely in heavy snow. This is all going to end in a warm up and then a crash freeze overnight as temps plummet. 

T is working from home, Raspberry is flying in and out of her cat flap that connects her to area between our attached barn the loft stairway. It has a great birdwatching window with a feeder right below. That cat flap has been blocked for 4 years and she is having the best fun running in and out through it with fanfare since Max went to Heaven.

For the Record,
This day came in with steady snow and treacherous conditions.

2PM, still snowing

3:30, low visibility

Night shots, starting here on flickr. My new Leica is a light magnet in the dark, I'm amazed.

All hands healing. My back is slowly improving, better than the weekend.

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