Sleepy Cherryblossom

By CherryBee

Hotel Chocolat.

I met Maggie in town today so that she could (finally!) get herself a new phone, not that she actualy needed me there to help her choose - my role was simply to role my eyes and mutter darkly about buying the cheapest most boring model on the market regardless of any advice to the contrary.. She surprised me actually and got something half decent!  
When we left and were walking back down Princes St it was bitterly cold so it was an inspired idea to pop into Hotel Chocolat when we were passing. We had winter warming gingerbread hot chocolates and they were delicious! Mmmmm......lovely.....
After a very brief wander through town (ugg, I hate it. Especially on a Saturday, so many people....makes me feel claustrophobic and somewhat stabby) we meandered back down the hill to my flat for some dinner and crappy telly and Mags dyed my hair back to red for me :)

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