
By spitzimixi

what's it all about anyway? the church looks bigger than the mountain, but that's just because of where I was standing.The mountain is far bigger and the people, much the same size as me, who the church was built for, fade into insignificance when stood next to such a massive lump of rock - rock that's always moving and changing and, once upon a time, was under the sea.
And all that is dwarfed by the arch of the sky, the sun and all the stars and planets and moons that are up there making our tiny little planet totally insignificant - except that it's not; because in one tiny, random moment chaos threw out the coincidence called life that divided and changed and branched and....here I am with a camera taking photos of it and thinking about it all and sharing it with other people. 
After Stephen Fry's little rant about God I've been thinking about all this again, even though I've left the subject alone for years. Having grown up with an absolute belief in God and creation it was mind-blasting for me to find out that a) there are other ideas around and b) some of them speak more to my way of thinking than theism in any form. I moved from a Belief to a total lack of belief in any purpose or point in my life and rejoice in the knowledge that I am the wacky result of chaos lining things up in the right way to make me happen. That, to me, is cooler than any godly hand.
The connection between all living things on earth is truly awesome and our collective connection to the stars is whatever a mega, amazing, totally massive superlative of awesomeness is. It makes me happy to think that, whoever passes out of human life, remains as memory and atoms, we can't truly lose someone because they, as matter or a part of my life experience, have nowhere to go. 
And that means, I think, we have a collective responsibilty to look after each other and the earth we rely on. 
There is no point in materialism as, in the end we have everything and nothing. There is no point in greed, hate and meanness, they won't leave anything of worth behind. The way to create loving memories that will last after we are gone is to be kind - and to be kind to others, we have to be kind to ourselves. 

To quote the as-bonkers-as-me Russell Brand "It's difficult to believe in yourself because the idea of self is an artificial construction. You are, in fact, part of the glorious oneness of the universe. Everything beautiful in the world is within you."

If more people knew that, maybe more people would be happy.

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