Nothing happens here...

By StuartDB

Incy mincy spider

Spent all day trying to set up the wi-fi for a new Canon printer.  I'd have had more success writing the software for a Jupiter space programme.  Forget what the manual says, it IS rocket science.  So for the moment and I suspect for ever more it'll be joined by a USB cable.  (Canon MG7550)

Consequently by the time I raised my head from the instruction manual it was too dark to Blip outside.  Then I remembered about a set of pics I'd planned on some decorative bits and bobs MrsDB has collected, so here is the first of in a series.  I wanted to catch the blue stone and make the rest a silhouette then I thought a hint of the gold added some interest.  It's quite exquisitely engraved and would make a good pic showing the two differing gold colours.

The Spid is Victorian and came from a second-hand jewellery shop in Carlisle in 2002.  I would love to know more about it, I bet it could tell some tales.

MrsDB has just informed me that I am stupid and that if I cannot tell a bumblebee from a spider it's no surprise that I cannot hotwifi a simple printer.  And she is always right, just like her mother.

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