Sunset in-Spired!

Went out this afternoon ....... met Big Sis to look round the new place she is in process of buying ....... helped with measuring etc. It is a lovely place ...... just right for her! :-)

We then had a ride around the countryside. We saw quite a few Kestrels & Buzzards ..... did get a few photos ..... but nothing very good as they were a fair way off. We then came across a pair of Barn Owls hunting .... spent quite a while watching them ..... tried to get a few shots ..... but only had my bridge camera & it was struggling to get the right focus .... but I did get a couple of rather blurred shots .... just not really blipable!

Then a little further on I noticed this ....... I thought the Church Spire looked rather good with the sun setting behind it ....... couldn't quite get the angle I wanted ...... but I was quite pleased with this one ....... do hope you like it :-)

Thanks so much for all the lovely comments & stars on yesterday's Robin ....... he was really cuffed when I told him today :-)

Thanks so much for dropping by :-)

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