Raison's adventure

By Raison

The masks we wear

I think everyone wears disguises. They hide something they don't want people to know.

Just after I had Squidge I suffered with post natel depression, which manifested itself as acute anxiety, which manifested itself as constantly feeling very very sick...all the time. I lost 3 stone in 6 months. I constantly thought I was going to get or already had some sort of bug. I could not go out. I found it difficult to do day to day tasks. I definitely could not go back to work.

I sought help. Got counselling. Went onto anti depressants, and began the slow road to recovery.

I didn't hide it. I talked to colleagues and told them what was happening with me. It helped a lot. I didn't have the stress of trying to hide what was happening.i could tell them when I was feeling ill.

I still have moments of anxiety. Moose has a tummy bug right now. All the fears come back, I am worried about getting it. But now I can look after her, whereas before, I would have spent 2 days, shaking in bed, terrified I would get ill. I can talk to my husband about what is going through my head, it doesn't rid me of the anxiety but it helps.

We would all benefit by coming out from behind some of the masks we wear. It helps us, but also helps society get over the stigma that still surrounds mental illness. The more we talk and share, the more accepted and understood it is.

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