
A drunken portrait of my family.

Dad used to do things like this.

Around 1986, dad took Viki & I out in the car. He said he had to show us something. He was really excited, kinda child-like. This was when he worked on the roads for Scottish Gas. We drove somewhere in Edinburgh (I remember it as being somewhere near Crammond but could be completely wrong) and stopped on the left hand side pavement. Then,grinning from ear to ear,  he walked us over to the right hand side kerb and pointed down. There, etched into the freshly dried concrete were the initials, VJA, KJA and MJA. My sister, me & wee baby brother.

I find myself doing stuff like this too. Expressing myself in simplistic ways. But, I find, the simplistic ways are the truest. The most genuine.

So, that's what this is.

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