Muttley's Musings

By RuralDave

Mono Monday :: Spirit :: mm#53 - Spirit in the Sky

Thanks to JoanneInOz for coming up with this weeks Mono Monday theme of Spirit. 

I thought a shot of my Whisky cabinet (Yes I do have rather a lot of bottles of Whisky) might be a little clichéd, so I came up with another idea. 

The moon in the sky has long been seen by cultures all round the world and through the ages as a God or Goddess or a Spirit.

The Inca's called the Moon God Coniraya
The Mesopotamians called the Moon God Sin
The Norse called the Moon Good Mani
The Grecom-Romans had the Moon Goddess' Diana and Luna
The Greeks had a Moon Goddess called Phoebe
To me the Moon is Norman!

Sadly the clouds had rolled in by the time I had got home so I've gone for a landscape shot with the moon featuring in it.

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