The Wren

By TheWren

"Bad moon rising"

This morning our art class was held in a very cold hall as the new boiler had packed up.  We all stoically continued however, merely putting our coats and scarves back on.  This morning our tutor was doing an acrylic demonstration so it didn't really matter that our minds and fingers were a bit numb. Once home I immediately donned layers of walking gear and set off with the dogs although it was a while before i started to thaw out. The 2' temperature felt more like minus 3' at least as the keen wind swept across the frozen land. It was beautiful though and the landscape still looks very much as it did in my blip of two days ago. Not for the first time this winter I have been glad that my two chums encouraged me to go out. This time next week though ......

I apologise to those who viewed my previous photo but I have just been outside and noticed the moon emerging over the hills and just had to take a shot at it with my small hand held camera. It isn't a  technically great photo as my camera simply isn't up to it but i rather like the impressionist feel to it and especially the way the radiance is not symmetrical which i had thought it would be. Hope you like it too.

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