Pub Challenge No 2!

The Pig and Fiddle, Bath

After running a few errands in Bath this morning, I met up with a friend to try and complete a pub challenge set by Baron. His cousin was landlord of a pub in Bath back in the 1970s, and I've been trying to track down the pub for him. We know the name, The Old Crown, but there's no longer any pub of that name in the area of town that Baron remembers the pub.

I thought that The Pig and Fiddle could possibly be The Old Crown under a new name, but neither the bar staff nor one of the regulars (sitting at the end of the bar) could remember a pub of that name in the area. Nevertheless I took a photo for Baron in the hope that it may just look a little familiar to him! If not, then I'll just have to keep on trying out all the pubs in the area, oh such hard work!!

Browsing through blip today, I can see that lots of people in the south and south west had snow overnight! How come I didn't get any?! Any snowy donations very welcome!! :)

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