The magic of Quinoa.

And I'd never even heard of it before last week!!!!

I bought a bag of this very fine grain that originates from (Morrisons!) the Andes and is an essential part of the Inca diet.

It's nutrient dense, a complete protein source (rare in a plant based food), high in fibre, anti inflammatory and contains an amazing array of vitamins and minerals.

It's quick to make taking just 10 minutes to boil and can be served as a main meal with veggies,added to soups or as a side with curries and stews. It can also be bought in a puffed form to use like rice crispies!

Quinoa is featuring in my blip as a bag of it split in my car today!!!!! So I've gone from never having even heard of it (and I've been a vegetarian for almost 20 years!) To knowing it very, very well!!!!

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