Nothing happens here...

By StuartDB

Early Start….

I fixed the front screen on the mobile booking office!  No easy task but it looks a million times better.  Had to cut away the screen mounts from the body so that the glazed screens fitted into the recess rather than onto it.  A worrying fix because one slip would have destroyed the front end.  Then I refitted the beading strips on the roof, the Mobile Office signs and the wheel spats.  Job done.  Really.

The Blip pic shows the alterations but as I set up the scene I thought it looked better as a view of the harbour and not a close-up of the bus.  Hope you agree.  So there's the Blip - the harbour master halts loading as the tide isn't quite high enough for MV Glenachulish to drop a level ramp. Bright early morning sunshine casts long shadows, a small fishing boat waits to get into the ramp and MrDB is helped by his carer to take a look at the bus.  He doesn't get out much y'know.

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