The top of Saltersgate Hill

Leaving Whitby this morning there had been dire predictions of snow in the Whitby area but we had awoken to blue sky so we decided it was worth the risk. As we first got up Blue Bank and then we went across the moors the weather was indeed bleak and there was a bit of new snow on the moorlands. But the main road was quiet and clear as we progressed towards Saltersgate. This would be the hill where if snow had stuck we might struggle.

Yesterday my new car had seemed vulnerable when there was snow underground as we had failed to get up one hill with snow underfoot. So I was a little apprehensive. However as we approached the hill, the road seemed clear, up we went easily gliding through the turns until we reached the top,

At the top we briefly parked as I tried to capture a few photos of this bleak moorland outlook, this is my blip for today.

We had then a trouble free journey home and back to normality. A quiet afternoon before a long drive tomorrow to Suffolk not just to see my Mum but for social services to undertake an assessment which would determine what support she might get when she goes home. So an important meeting.

For now, a cup of tea, my familiar chair and an evening in front of the TV relaxing after a great nine days at Whitby. My new camera christened and I feel a rejuvenating period before I return to work next week.

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