Washed up

Back to Riverside Country Park, down on the Medway, in the cold. In the background is Kingsnorth Power station which was closed by the EU under the Large Combustion Plant Directive (2001/80/EC).

I cannot begin to describe how cold the wind was. Shortly after taking my gloves off to handle the camera I couldn't feel my hands and my eyes were streaming. Thankfully I had my hat with ear-flaps so at least my head was warm. I'll not go into details of everything I was wearing, those calls cost more, but walking boots and lined walking trousers were on the list. I stuck with it though because I love all of you, my dear Blippers, and I wanted to get you a good shot. I'm happy with this one.

Plenty to see there today. Lots of teal, a couple of oystercatchers,  some Canada geese and a fair selection of gulls. I'm sure there would have been more had I been able to stand around and look but hypothermia's winged chariot hurried near.

In other news: It was very cold in the wind today. I think that the wind chill was about minus a bazillion. 

We (the Cricket crew) are currently planning a trip to Munich and I think I might be going by train. I think it will be a nice way to see bits of Europe that I haven't seen before and also because I haven't been on Eurostar (although I've used the Chunnel a few times).

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