Good Boy Foxy

Anyone who knows Foxy's history will know this is an amazing photo.
Foxy is a rescue dog so we don't know his history but when he came to us the Vet reckoned he was about 3.5 years old. He's 8 now so we've had him 5 years in March.
When our Son and Daughter in Law picked him up in Birmingham he was in a house with lots of other dogs, most bigger than him of course and he had to fight for his food.
He was a horrible little dog, always trying to do naughty things to Jonty, grabbing any food he could get his paws on, attacking any dog on sight even if it was 100m away across the park.
We quickly had him to the vets to take care of one problem (it worked), he also quickly learned to go outside for the loo within a few days, took him to doggy school to socialise him and he has turned out to be a lovely, affectionate dog who is wonderful with people and children. He's been steadily getting better with other dogs too as you can see in the photo.

He is totally ignoring the hounds of my friend Hania whom we bump into occasionally on our walks. We came across 7 dogs this morning and some of them got close enough to him for a sniff and although he looked wary he was good as gold.

I was very proud of Foxy this morning and gave him a big fuss every time he reacted well to the other dogs.

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