My hat

I found my favourite hat! I loved it so much this is my second one but it's ruin too. I like to pretend its like a lasso, just like sheriff Caley. I sit on my rocking horse shouting yee haa!

I have had another great day and I am back to my cheery self. I went skipping in to playgroup and had a brilliant time. I made paper tools, as well as a glueing. So much fun.

Mummy went out to see grandma and grandad for a while, as there are back from holiday. I got to speak to them on the phone too. While she was out I looked after daddy. He fell asleep at one point, so I woke him up and said, no snoring daddy! Then I did impressions of him snoring....I thought I was very funny And daddy did too.

Mummy got back early afternoon, so we had fun cuddled up on the sofa, all of us "resting".

I have taken a liking to fish, I love it. I have been really enjoying it recently. Mummy is very pleased, as I will eat lots of it.

I had a lovely bubbly bath tonight and stayed in for ages. I had crinkly toes and fingers when I got out.

I fell asleep on the sofa tonight. Daddy took me up to bed. I woke up on the way but was happy to settle all by myself.

Mummy is hoping to get my room changes finished this weekend. Grandad is going to help daddy put the doors on the wardrobes and move furniture out as mummy is not allowed to shift it.

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