Competent Cleaning

One always needs clean elbows.

A bit of a 'bleurgh' day...BUT Asha and I made some nice crafty things this morning Danny went off to the craft shop to buy us some sticky back plastic, I google translated it...came up as 'sticky plastic rear', ha!! I was kind though and didn't tell him that was what to ask for! 
Then an afternoon with Abby, 4 hours later it was time to get Asha from D-Nens.

Today I'm grateful for;
1) Signing up to a photography class...just 8 hours over 2 weeks....but it'll help me get to grips with my camera better, and feel happier using it in manual mode.
2) Cosy cafes - it's been chucking it down ALL DAY. And soooo cold....brrr.
3) Friends who just listen. 

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