
By kaitiemae

Connections Never Break

Just a warning, this is going to have nothing to do with the picture. I couldn’t really find a picture to go along with what I want to say, so I just put up this picture of me and my friend Allie.

                I started playing BrainWars again, completely unaware of the repercussions of this seemingly irrelevant and unimportant little decision.

Over the course of a lifetime, everyone creates who they are.  The reach out and touch many different parts of this world, many different things, and everywhere they touch it is like a string is attached, a connection is formed with these things. And it is my belief that whatever we do, these connections, these strings, are never going to break. They will be stretched, they may weaken, and they might be forgotten, but they’re still there. They still make up who that person is. Have you ever talked to an old friend that you haven’t seen in a long time, or played a game you used to love, smelled a perfume that your aunt used to wear, watched your favorite movie from when you were 10, or read a book from your childhood? You felt it didn’t you? That feeling that so much has changed and yet so much hasn’t. Everything is different; a lot of time has passed since this connection was formed and yet as soon as you go back to it, if only to visit the time in your life that it inhabited and represented, it feels as though you never left. As if that friend never faded from your life, was never distanced through years of different paths that you may be on.  When you hear that old song, you find yourself singing along, remembering all of the lyrics. People are composed of millions of these connections, tied together by the strings that they have attached to things in their life. So don’t be too terrified of change because nothing is being replaced. You aren’t trading your life for a new one, you’re simply adding to the life you already have.

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