Fun at the Bank!
Brian left paying his credit card bill to the very last minute, so I ended up having to go to town in the rain to pay it so he didn't get charged interest. (Can you tell how thrilled I am?!)
It's been steady drizzle all day today. Still my window cleaner came and charged £8 for ten minutes' work. And with the rain you probably won't even be able to tell they were done by tomorrow! We only live in a small mid-terrace house too, not a huge place with lots of glass!
When we first had Minstrel he was scared of the window cleaner and hid behind the sofa when he was doing his thing, but now he watches intently. Next time I think he will get up and chase the chamois!
There will be a next time despite the expense. Living right beside a busy road without front gardens makes the windows really mucky, and I won't be going up a ladder any time soon. It may be a cheaper window cleaner if I can find one though!
I took this shot in the bank, of a little toy that is there for children to play with while their parents are in the queue. Jae loved to play with it when he was smaller, and played with it to an older age than most kids. I got him a smaller version, but he preferred this. It was one way I could get him into town without a strop when he was little, if I told him there'd be a visit to the bank!
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