a lifetime burning

By Sheol

Crumbling Victorian heritage

It's a busy day at work today, with a work dinner this evening, so I have not been able to use my DSLR. Instead today's quick offering for Derelict Thursday comes via my iPhone and the blip app.

I will be interested to see how it comes out when I have access to a larger monitor later on.

The subject is the rear elevation of a former Victorian warehouse on Redcliffe Backs in Bristol. The building itself fronts Bristol's Floating Harbour. Back in the day, there were a lot of buildings like this in Bristol, reflecting the changing nature of Bristol as a port. As ships got bigger they became too big to navigate the Avon Gorge and so a new port was established at Avonmouth. In the meantime, the docks in the centre of Bristol, once an engineering masterpiece, fell into disuse and declined. A period of regeneration in the 1990's and beyond saw conversions of those buildings with real architectural and historic importance.

I am away playing guitar from tonight, for the weekend. I suspect that I will be back blipping the resulting shots.

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