Frosty And the Two Snow Dogs

In the middle of the sheep pen, out on a meadow, someone has built a big snowman and a dog to accompany him. It must have happened when this snow first came, because the snow has been too cold for building ever since. We often walk past it, and, civilised as we are, we always stop to say hello. I am sure the small one is a dog, but the big one looks suspiciously like a cat to me, with whiskers and two ears on top of the head.

We did some correspondence today. My sister Nora will get a birthday card, of course, and we also sent a birthday card to my godfather Sören Fernström the cat, even though it is my birthday and not his. Mum explained it was to say thank you because he played a role in her and me becoming a pack last year. I know this of course, so I was OK with us sending treats and a gift for his collection tin for homeless cats.

This baking with liver is proving itself more difficult than mum thought at first. Hm.

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