
Raspberry is tucked in to a chilly but exciting barn window bird viewing spot. I'm dosing her with some homeopathic meds today, she's straining a bit in her box. I'm pretty sure it is stress related. I know she's happy to be back in her old routines, but she must be a bit stressed over the departure of Max. This has happened with stress before , she's able to go, so I'm not panicking yet. She's a true banshee at the vet. They hurt her(or her pride) once a few years ago trying to draw some urine when she had one of these situations. I had to leave the room I was so upset... the whole clinic was  upset as well with her screams. I'll give it some time and see what happens. She's eating and resting comfortably. I get so stressed when anything is wrong with her so I am trying hard to breathe deeply and relax.

For the Record,
This day came in warmer with snow flurries adding another two inches or more to our white coated world. More coming Sunday through Tuesday is the latest weather report.

All hands healing

An interview with Mary Oliver, an American poet

7PM UPDATE...things are flowing much better, we're relieved, thanks for all the kind concern. We're not out of the woods completely, but improved.

All systems flowing at almost normal levels, :)

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