Pastoral Island

By graniteman

The Ozanne Steps

A lovely sunny morning, a welcome change. Today's blip is taken along the cliffs on the east coast, further along from the bathing pools shown previously. After a tiring cycle up our largest hill (Le val des terres), I left my bike at the top of the cliffs and walked down through the bluebell woods. These were idylic as the morning light was streaming through the trees. The bluebells themselves now are practically finished, just the odd late ones escaping through the mass of flattened leaves and stalks. I had imagined that the shot I would take of the steps would be from the bottom looking up as I'd have the sun behind me. However having climbed down I found the perspective was not right to show off the zig-zag effect and in fact they looked rather incongruous in their cliff setting. Having made the effort to get there I took some shots of rock pools in the area. When I climbed up again however I found a much better shot looking downward which I'd overlooked in my eagerness, and that's the one I've used. The steps themselves are quite old and it is thought they were built for access to a large house on the cliff tops which no longer exists. At the top of the steps is a ruined fishermen's chapel. It used to be lined with ormer shells with their mother of pearl showing, but they have all gone now.

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