
By GloryGlory

Michelle s

Michelle and I met 8 years ago at a baby/toddler group called 'Mini-Music' when our girls were very little. (It was the only baby/toddler group I genuinely enjoyed!) She's an incredibly talented knitter, down to earth soul and gentle friend.

The girls go to different schools but still get on well when they see each other in the holidays and Michelle and I meet for the occasional cuppa and catch up; today was one of those. 

Mrs Worrell (another Michelle) is known to both of us for her kitchen table craft business and her supply teaching role. When she turns up in the playground at school the children visibly swoon, she's a massive hit! Her talents don't stop there; Mrs Worrell now owns the Sett Valley Trail Cafe, has done it up with style and does all her own baking.

So this morning, post school run, we parked up at Hayfield, walked along the trail and arrived at Mrs Worrells cafe to a fantastic welcome and a lovely cuppa.

Hurray for Michelles!

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