
By Ubernoob

Back...an re-motivated!!!

For a variety of reasons I've been away from blip since the middle of January...I've continued to take photos but haven't uploaded any for ages. Tonight, after months of humming and hahhing and with a fair bit of pushing an shoving from friends and family.... I went to my first ever photography club meeting!! should have done this ages ago!!!

Met a number of fellow Blippers...was very nice to put faces to names!....and came home determined to get back into the pic-a-day challenge!

nothing much on offer tonight though.....except the fire...I LOVE my log burner...'specially on cold nights like tonight!

still working double shifts a couple of nights a week so it'll be interesting to see what I can come up with for the next few days with lack of free time but the challenge is on!

Be safe everyone


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