I do wish I could remember what the difference between 110 & 112 is, I should hate to need the cops and some firemen arrive...

Flipping freezing here today, the edge of the river had frozen, not that that was a big enough deterrent to the stupid hound.

Spent almost two hours at the kids' high school this evening, as they celebrated 20 years of bilingual teaching, marred only by the head droning on forever and managing to mention the words 'eccentric' and 'English' in the same (very long German) sentence, and one of the students committing the double sin of saying 'clothe-eez' (shudder) & 'chips' (they teach British English and so it really should have been 'crisps'). Little miss bossy had to reprise her princess role* from the summer's production of Aladdin and very kindly posed for me when we got home - I think this was the only useable one...she does like to gurn.

* typecast much?

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