
Okay. I know it's another "sun through the clouds" shot but this is as it looked. I've simply cropped out the edge of the car window from the bottom of the shot. Would you leave this without taking a shot?

I was on the mysterious and exotic Ilse de Sheppey for a really good meeting and called in at Elmley Marshes when I came out. The wind was bitter and blowy so not much about and I was tight for time so I didn't have time to stop and look properly. But as I was heading back for the gate the sky turned pink and then orange so I stopped and grabbed some shots. At Elmley there is a mile or so of track from the gate to the car park and while it isn't permitted to get out of the car visitors can pull over and use it as a hide so that's what I did.

The silhouette is of both Sheppey crossings; the box shape is the old Kingsferry lift bridge. It's been in the news because the lift motor has broken so it is now taking an hour to cycle through a full lift and drop - not good because it carries the rail line as well as road traffic. Visit that link for images of the bridge lifted with a boat passing through and all sorts of excitement.

I left the reserve and pulled over to watch the sunset and swap lenses on the camera. As I did a kestrel flew over and started hovering above the field to my right. I tried to get some photos but they are not very good; poor light, wrong lens and settings and a very swift bird.

Now to get the tutorial written for tomorrow with the rugby on in the background.

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