A great day!!!

Alternative title is “another black & white building”!!

This is a café on the bridge over the river Witham in Lincoln High Street. We first had coffee there in 1971 when newly married. It hasn’t changed much / if at all! The waitress had a little black dress with a white lace collar and pinny!!

The day started with a visit to the solicitors to sort out the next stage of the house buying process!! Then we bought a bed for the spare room / guest room (to be delivered later) and a microwave (taken away). Next job was info gathering on utilities, before another visit to our future “new” home.

We have clarified a possible completion date after our return from holiday. We both feel much happier and relaxed about things and with a bit of luck I might even manage a complete night’s sleep without any nocturnal wandering!!

Home to have dinner with R and share all our news:0) 

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